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International Journal of Chemical and Biological Sciences

Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part A (2022)

Assessment of heavy metals and characterization of fresh and used engine oils in different automobile


Maigari IA, Dabai MU, Muhammad C, Eze VC and Alhassan M


One samples each of fresh engine oil is categorized as E0 while there used oil counterpart were label as E1, E2, E3, for used engine oil. A dry ash method was adopted for digestion of the sample. The digested samples were separately subjected to Atomic Absorption Spectrometric analysis. The research conducted a comparison of heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Cu, Cr, Ni and additive metals Ca, Mg and Mn) concentration in fresh oil and continuous increase during the usage in 3 different auto-mobile (Toyota bus, Nissan Bus and Sharon). The study divulges the relationship of metals with oil brand and different automobile engine as well as progressive increase in the concentration of metals over distance covered. Physiochemical properties considered include Kinematic Viscosity at 40oC and 100oC, Viscosity index, pour point, Flash point, Carbon residue, and Ash contents. Characterization of the samples was also conducted to determine chemical and structural composition using Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) and Fourier transformation infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. A comparison of the obtain results showed connection between chemical properties of fresh oil and the collected used oil. The FTIR spectra showed the bands that are related to the presences of Aromatic Alkanes and carbonyl compound. The analysis of variance showed that there is significant different between the mean concentrations of all the elements studied.

Pages: 55-62  |  240 Views  73 Downloads

International Journal of Chemical and Biological Sciences
How to cite this article:
Maigari IA, Dabai MU, Muhammad C, Eze VC and Alhassan M. Assessment of heavy metals and characterization of fresh and used engine oils in different automobile. Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci. 2022;4(1):55-62. DOI: 10.33545/26646765.2022.v4.i1a.89