S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Measurement of human sterol-o-acyltransferase 1, SOAT1 levels in Iraqi diabetic patients
Hussein Najm Abed
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 101-103
2 |
A review on phytochemical, pharmacological and traditional uses of Acalypha indica Linn
Dr. S Senthil Kumar and Dr. C Kiruba Rani
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 104-106
3 |
Studies on the influence of different feeds for the optimisation of bio hydrogen reactor
R Hema Krishna
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 107-114
4 |
Assessment of lipase levels and lipid profile in chronic hypertensive patients in Kirkuk, Iraq
Ameen M Aljuraisy
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 115-121
5 |
Biochemical alterations in cancer: A clinical chemistry perspective on tumor pathogenesis
Nabaa Hassan Naif, Haneen Abd Ali Oudah and Yamamah Jawad Bahr Aluloom
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 122-132
6 |
Effets utero-trophiques de l’extrait aqueux des ecorces de Strychnos camptoneura chez le rat femelle Wistar
Ondélé Radard, Elion Itou Romaric De Garde, Pénémé Max Bonaventure Lazard, Wossolo Lingomo Stéphane Bertrand, Bissila Gomo Principe Tindar and Etou Ossibi Arnaud Wilfrid
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 133-139
7 |
High expression of recombinant bacteria (Sak) and activity study’s author
Asaad Faraj Hamzah, Zainab Ataia, Raghad Sharqi Luaibi Alrazn and Arafat A Muttar
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 140-143
8 |
Synthesis, characterization, and computational study of mixed ligand complexes of N-Phenyl-N-(2-thiazoyl) thiourea Pt (II) and tertiary phosphine ligands
Ahmed S Faihan, Foud Nihad Abed and Reza Behjatmanesh-Ardakani
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 144-152
9 |
Preparation of hydrogel from Carbopol 940 and its use in soil cohesion of gypsum soil
Foud Nihad Abed
Int. J. Chem. Biol. Sci., 2024; 6(2): 153-162